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1. If she walks, she takes it with her

Ans: - Energy

2.: - Which part of the sun is visible at the time of solar eclipse?

Ans: - Kirit

3.: - Used to remove rust spots from clothes

Ans: - Oxalic acid

4.: - 'Red rot disease' in sugarcane is caused due to

Ans: - by fungi

5.: - Who invented television?

Answer: - J. L. Baird

6.: - What type of tissues act as the body's protective shield?

Ans: - Epithelium tissue

7.: - Which animal did man first domesticate?

Ans: - Dog

8.: - Which scientist first rubbed and melted two pieces of ice?

Answer: - Davy

9: - Why does a diamond appear shiny?

Ans: - Due to collective internal reflection

10.: - What is mainly found in 'dung gas'.

Answer: - Methane

11.: - Which of the following diet provides nutrients for growth of new tissues in human body?

Ans: - Cheese

12.: - Which of the following is a flying lizard?

Ans: - Draco

13.: - Which acid is found in grapes?

Ans: - Tartaric acid

14.: - Study of cancer related diseases is called

Ans: - Oncology

15.: - Which is the only snake nest?

Ans: - King Cobra

16.: - Which is the largest fish found in India?

Answer: - whale shark

17.: - Pulses are a good source of

Ans: - Protein

18.: - Why does native ghee smell fragrant?

Ans: - Due to diacetyl

19.: - Which color deflection is more in the rainbow?

Answer: - Red color

20.: How many colors are there in the ray of sun?

Answer: - 7

21.: - Who is the inventor of 'typewriter'?

Ans: - Sholes

22.: - What is called vinegar in Latin language.

Ans: - Assetam

23.: - With which machine the purity of milk is measured?

Ans: - Lactometer

24.: - Which is the highest metal element found on Earth?

Answer: - Aluminum

25.: - Pearl is mainly made up of which substance?

Ans: - Calcium Carbonate

26.: - Which element is found in maximum quantity in human body?

Ans: - Oxygen

27.: - What is the botanical name of mango?

Answer: - Mangifera Indica

28.: - Chikori powder mixed with coffee powder is obtained

Ans: - By roots

29.: - What is the best source of Vitamin-C?

Ans: - Amla

30.: - Who produces the highest intensity sound?

Answer: - Tiger

31.: - Which is the longest cell in the human body?

Ans: - Nerve cell

32. - Teeth are mainly made up of which substance?

Ans: - of dentine

33. - Which animal has the shape of foot slippers?

Ans: - Parametium

34. - Protein is not found in which of the following substances?

Ans: - Rice

35. - About how many grams of human brain?

Answer: - 1350

36 .: - is a metal found in blood

Ans: - Loha

37 .: - Which acid accumulates in the muscles causes tiredness?

Ans: - Lactic acid

38 .: - Example of fermentation

Ans: - Sourness of milk, formation of food bread, sourness of wet flour

39. - How many eyes does earthworm have?

Ans: - Not a single

40. - Carrot is a rich source of which vitamin?

Answer: - Vitamin A

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